The Benefits Of A Daycare Center For Your Toddler

18 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Do you need to enroll your child in a local daycare center? While your work schedule is the primary reason for putting your toddler in care, safe supervision isn't the only benefit of the early preschool environment. Take a look at the top reasons to choose child care for your toddler. A Regular Schedule While you can create a routine at home, it isn't always easy to stick to a schedule. Read More 

What Should You Do With Your Child’s Daycare Artwork?

6 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

What should you do with the piles of art projects your preschooler brings home from daycare? From crafty collages to painted portraits, take a look at the top ways to store, save, or display your young child's imaginative artwork. Create a Childcare Artwork Portfolio Portfolios aren't just for professional artists. Buy a portfolio folder or use a scrapbook/photo album to make a chronological or category-based archive of your child's finest artwork. Read More